reading 3 - websites are the art of our times

response questions

1. this piece felt very lofty and abstract at times, but the description of the internet and websites as spacial rather than just anotherform of 2d media was interesting to me. it made me think of the web and websites in a very architectural way (which i suppose makes sense since 'web architecture' is a thing/term). how can approaches to web design change when a designer decides to look at it as spacial versus a 2d artifact?

2. in addition to being abstract, it was also quite critical and pessimistic, in a way i didn't particularly agree with at all. it felt like self-righteous contrarianism in the same vein of people who claim society is unsalvagable now that everyone uses iphones daily, without actually explaining any examples of why. i think it's very reductionist to decide every work of contemporary art, every single modern art exhibition, or the entire internet is a monolith of anti-creativity. in the age of consumer capitalism, the creative world is comprised of various makers who are doing their best to work creatively however they can. people are still out there making cool stuff.

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